NaNoWriMo 2016 Day 24 "Being Productive & 40K!"

Hello! It is NaNoWriMo Day 24! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you Americans out there! The word count goal for today is 40,000! My word count is 40,825! I am very busy today, so I am actually writing some of this post on the 23rd. I am really excited because I get to go to one of my friend's house today! Anyways, yesterday was AWESOME!!! I completed two 1K30s too! I was so proud, because I got 1,142 words per each! WHAT!?!? Yes, and that got me a bit ahead of the word count. After a quick YouTube break, GUESS WHAT!?! I kept writing! What? Yes, I did. My goal for yesterday was to write a lot... but I kind of procrasinated. :) I didn't start until like 6 at night, then ate dinner, then watched some YouTube, and finally got into serious writing at like 7:45! Anyways, lot's of late night productivity! I did reach 40K 1 day early, which was awesome. Anyways, I would love to hear what you guys are doing for Thanksgiving! Make sure to comment, what you did/are doing! Guess what! Today, I purchased a EOS t6 DSLR! I am soooooooo excited! But, it is not supposed to some until November 30. SO... I am using it as a reward/consequence! If I finish NaNo, I get to unbox it the day it arrives. BUT... if I don't finish NaNo, I will have to first complete the 50,000 word count, no matter how long it takes, and then be able to open it. SO I NEED TO FINISH NANO. Okay, so I hope your word count are going well! Happy Thanksgiving!
                                                   Happy writings,
                                                             ~Reyna :D
