How I use my bullet journal for blogging/ JULY 2017 POSTING SCHEDULE

Hey guys! It's Bella! So, I've been doing this bullet journal thing for maybe a year now, and I've been getting really into it lately. So, I decided to show you my July 2017 set up, and at the end, I will show you my posting schedule for this month.

This is my bullet journal! It's a Cahier Journal XXL squared by Moleskine. It came in a pack of 3. I believe it has 60 pages. I'll leave a look on where to buy at the end of this blog post if you are interested! I didn't really care much for the plain black, so I added a strip of washi tape on the side. (the blue and gold)

This is my July cover :)
Bujo Hack: Add a strip of washi to the corner of your monthly cover, and fold it over on the other side. This way you will always know when your month starts. 

This is my monthly log. Instead of making a calender, I find it easier for me to list the days of the month and write events next to the numbers. 
This is my tracking page. On the top, I have a habit tracker. I decided to add a mood tracker this month. I have a goals box and a gratitude log. I had to make the log bigger this month so I could fit more words. 

Whenever my sister and I go to the market, it seems like we always see these neat art supplies for cheap. But when we do need supplies, it always seems like we can only find the most expensive ones. I decided to keep a running list of anywhere we find good art supplies for cheap. That way, we can refer to the list before splurging on anything too pricey.

Here is my schedule for July 2017! As you can see, I have a bunch of things planned! I did allow myself some leeway room incase something came up or I was unable to work. I am so excited for July! I have an exciting guest coming! 
Well, that was my bullet journal! I hope you enjoyed! 
See ya, 
Disclaimer: I am NOT affiliated or sponsered by any product shown in this blog post. This is for enterntainment purpouses only. 

PSSTT!!! If you're reading this, comment: HipsterHipposAreVeryHappy. :)


  1. This looks super cute! You're so artistic!


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