NaNoWriMo Updates...

Hello everyone! It is the awesome-est EVER Bella Ann Renae! (Is "awesome-est" even a word? :)) Also, this post is accompanied by Reyna, the founder of Rainflower8! (Applause! Just kidding, I can't do that on a blog post. *Tear :)) So, I really need to talk to you guys on some important updates about the next month and 1/2. That is- I am doing NaNoWriMo! If you didn't know this, November is national nover writing month here in the states! NaNoWriMo is a challenge to write 50,000 words (for the adults) of a first draft of a novel! So, I am doing the youth one, and my goal (using the goal calculator on the youth nanowrimo website) is to write 44,000 words in the month of November! That means that I won't be able to post full out doll-related stuff on any of my blogs often, since I will be busy writing! I will try to make daily/semi-daily updates about NaNoWriMo and my progress, though! I hope that will be exciting! I will have the NaNoWriMo youth/adult websites linked! I am SO EXCITED! Anyways... BYESSS!! :)
NaNoWriMo adults:
Kids NaNoWriMo!:
My NaNoWriMo page (ReynaFlower/youth page):
~Bella Ann Renae!
