|Nanowrimo Update 2| WINNING!

(This background photo of the cover doesn't belong to me; all credits go to owner)
Hey guys! (*waves*)
Nanowrimo is over... today! (I'm prewriting this on Nov. 30, who knows when this will be up!) I was consistently 10K-4K words behind the majority of Nano, but I have been going on major writing days the 4th week! Last night (Nov. 29) I wrote my top daily count- more than 4K words! 
I won yesterday! It was so amazing. I actually won on Nov. 29 of 2016 last year! It was such a relief haha! This month has been really hard for me, but I am glad I finished my novel! I didn't enjoy writing this novel as much as last years- I don't know if I want to move onto the editing stage of this 2017 novel anytime soon!
But I am happy to report, I am halfway done editing the first draft of my NaNo 2016 novel! I have plans of hopefully publishing that novel, which I am SO excited for! 
In honor of the end of NaNoWriMo, I am going to be doing the NaNoWriMo tag! I haven't done this year, but I did it last year for one of my daily posts: You can read it here!
Onto the tag!
1. How many times have you done NaNoWriMo?
2 times! I participated and won in 2016 and this year, 2017!
2. How did you first find out about Nano?
I found out about NaNo for the first time when I heard Christine from PolandBananasBOOKS Youtube use the word a lot in her writing updates- I was so confused on what it meant haha! Then, Katytastic uploaded a video on her NaNo plans and I learned all about NaNo from her, and a bunch of other YouTubers and bloggers! The second I found out about it, I jumped on the bandwagon haha.
3. What is the name of the first novel you attempted to write during NaNo?
Confidential info- only because I have plans on publishing it!
4. Give us a 1 sentence summary of the novel you are writing this year.
14 year old orphaned Selena Foxtail must journey all over the memory-stripped village of Lenna to unlock the 13th key that will unlock their memories- and memories from Selena's childhood.
5. What's the best piece of writing advice you have every been given? Why?
Hmm... one of my favorites is still my answer from last year! But, I think one of the best pieces of writing advice that I have ever gotten was simply, "I believe in you!" from all of my best friends and my sister Hylla, and my family. I know that sounds super cheesy but like it reminds me that my novel isn't just about me anymore, and there are people in the universe that care about my novel and think my writing is important.
6. Did you ever take a year off from NaNo? Why?
Nope! My streak is 2 years, and I plan on writing again next year! I don't want to take a year off ever, and even if I think I might not hit the 50K mark I will try to attempt NaNo anyways. (Hopefully)
7. What's your biggest inspiration in figuring out what to write?
Looking back at my original notes for my story. I am a mix between Pantser and Planner- more of a plantser! I need to have a strong beginning and and idea of where the sotry will go- but I don't do well with a strict outline. I get bored! Normally my original notes are imagined very differently than how the story is actually playing out to be, so looking back at those allows me to open up my horizons and see if I can add anything from the original notes that was cut in the actual draft.
8. Read us the first sentence from one of your novels.
Red looked at Rachel. A moment passed. She had wondered if maybe she would be counted as a Rue, but Rachel had said not to think of it. Now, as she watched her twin sister jitter in her seat, waiting to be called upon by the thaumaturge, she could see that Rachel was as anxious as she was.
9. Why do you love writing?
I love writing because... it's so much fun! Haha that probably sounded a little cheesy. I think it's cool how you can improve so much with practice! Like looking back at my short stories from elementary school, it's funny to think that thoughts like those passed through my mind- but I feel the same as I was before! And, there isn't a right or wrong way to write. Besides a few grammar rules and spelling, there really isn't anything to it but to write. I love how you can create your own style.

I hope you guys liked this blogpost! I am SO sorry I have been so inactive! Summer has always been my peek time. There has been some really nasty weather out lately, so I haven't been able to go out and take photos. I'm so sorry! But, I hope you guys will keep reading when I do post- because I have tons more to write!
Peace out,


  1. That book sounds really cool! I can't wait to read it when it's published!

    1. Aww thank you so much! I hope i can get it published soon!


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